So I have been up to quite a bit, but I am now in Dillingham for training and FINIALLY have Internet!! Puff and I are doing GREAT - we are
really having a great time!! We walk everyday and hang out at the river and read...that is the lump sum of our days (and nights so far).
Here are some pics -
Puffin in the airport- she is my little guard dog and she kept me safe :)
This is the only pic I am posting of my apartment b/c I really don't want to scare/horrify anyone, but doesn't Puff look happy!! She LOVES her blanket and since we go out so much and is the most mellow dog EVER in the house :)
This is the river where Puff and I play and read all day :)
This is my new enemy...GRRRRRRRR...This weed is EVERYWHERE - it is called Fireweed and man it kills me!
These are all in Dilingham (the center of the District).
Here is the Dump in Dillingham. We were looking for Bears, but we only found really BIG sky.
Here I am getting ready to go out on the lake...Aren't I wicked cute :)
Here are some Salmon spawning. It was really awesome they would swim like crazy and then rest for a bit then swim up stream again like CRAZY!!
This is a pic of Max and Whitney at the river where the Salmon where spawning. They are really. Actually everyone here is really great! I am really going to miss them. Whitney is my roomie and we are def getting along GREAT.
All they have up here are BIG, beautiful skies!! Here is just a small sample
This is Tara hanging out at the dock after our adventure on the Lake all day.
That is all for now, but no worries there will be More to follow soon :)
Thanks for the pictures. It looks like you are settling in ok. The scenery is just awesome. Puffins must be good company. Happy to see you have met new friends to do things with. Keep in touch. Miss you. Love Aunt Maxine and Uncle Joe
Just checked out your blog. Your mother called and gave it to me (8/13/08). I sent you an email yesterday but I think it's going to bounce back! The pictures are great. You and Puffin look like your enjoying yourselves and your new adventure. Will write soon, Aunt Bobbi
Hey Liz: I love the pictures, it looks so amazing there. It really looks like Puffin is finding her way. I'm looking forward to seeing more. Talk to you soon, Love Cheryl
Hey... it's so beautiful up there!! It must be so different to have all that space for Puffin to just run freeeeee...........!
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