Wednesday, September 10, 2008


So I finally got the Internet at home today...hopefully this will let me blog more b/c I know how much you LOVE reading about me :)

Today after school I went to go visit a girl's parents b/c the girl has been cutting one of classes. She is rediculous - she comes to my morning class and cuts the afternoon one...duh - Like I am not going to notice.  Anyway I came home after school to drop off my book bag for the hike up to the girl's hut and Puffin was VERY angry that I left her behind. She not only unmade my bed, but also tore ALL the covers off! This is what I came home to:

Everyone in the village has a nickname. For example, I teach a girl Tiny and a boy Chubs (who I guess was a very chubby little kid, but is now VERY thin!) so my nickname is Dora (as in Dora the explorer) b/c I am always wearing my backpack. The women who gave me the name always sing me the backpack song!

Also, I got (am borrowing) a VHF radio (yes, I am in NH)! Since I don't have a phone here the princlpal let me borrow this radio so I could contact someone if I needed something and so I could know what was going on in the village. I thought the company would be good for Puffin - You know some noise while I am at work, but she FLIPS out at the radio. She thinks someone is in the house - man it is wicked funny!! For real though, I am in Wisky Tango NH - people even have GUN racks on their "Hondas" (aka - 4-wheeler). They all call them Hondas b/c I guess that is the most common brand, but it is funny that people even call a kawaski a "Honda"!

1 comment:

TaraML said...

No leaving Puffin! She's fiesty huh? HAHA